Hello, everyone!

My name is Eren. I've just begun developing games.  I developed a clicker game to test some new features. Your feedback is valuable to me. Thank you for your time.


In the year of thirteen fifty-six,

A strawberry came, enormous and slick.

From distant realms, it sought to reign,

Bringing humanity’s demise, an ominous bane.

No civilization could withstand its might,

None could escape its strawberry blight.

But lo! From the heavens, a savior did appear,

The Mouser Cursor, its mission clear.

Click it swiftly, without delay,

Or humanity shall turn, a berry array.

With every click, its power wanes,

The strawberry’s grip, the cursor drains.

So rally together, one and all,

Against this fruity, monstrous thrall.

For if we fail to halt its spree,

Humanity’s fate, a strawberry sea!


Note: The leaderboard may not work properly. Press the play button and return to the main menu to update it.


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Defeat Strawberry for Windows.zip 23 MB

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